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Vintage lamp for the table from Desiree in Denmark

Very special and beautiful nuance in the pottery

Bordeaux / redblack

H: about 30,5cm

Stamp: Desiree - Denmark - Stentøj - Denmark

In a good condition


Vintage lamp for the table from Desiree in Denmark
Very special and beautiful nuance in the pottery
Bordeaux / redblack
H: about 30,5cm
Stamp: Desiree - Denmark - Stentøj - Denmark
In a good condition
Articleno.: SKA

  • Antikvitet.net Item number: 554289
  • Category: Sold

Other products in this category

For the collector
The old book "Toget" (The train)
By Harald H. Lund
Illustrations: Arne Ungermann
C.A. Reitzels Forlag (Publisher)
S.L. Müllers Bogtrykkeri, KBHVN. (Printing House) 

No year of publishing is printed
In a good condition

For the collector The old book "Toget" (The train

Old table cloth
With embroidery in colours- made by hand
About 61cm x 59cm
In a good condition, but it is best to wash it

Old table cloth With embroidery in colours- made

An old printKoloreret in an old frame
"Hekla tager 5 tydske Fartøier under Svinemündes 
Batterier og i Paasyn af die unüberwindliche 
tydske Flaade" "Fa.... Østergade No. 69"
35,5cm x 27,5cm

An old printKoloreret in an old frame "Hekla tage

Vase, Søholm, Bornholm, Denmark
Boths vases has a stamp
H: 19cm (left), 12cm (right)
Dkr.: 320,- (left), Dkr.: 125,- (right)
We have a large choice of pottery from Søholm 
Please contact us for further information

Vase, Søholm, Bornholm, Denmark Boths vases has a


Tlf: +45 30 30 35 16


About us

- the shop with antiques and retro, modern but on the other hand antique
info@vikali.dk - +45 30303516
We sell by the internet, and when you want to buy, please contact us pr. mail: info@vikali.dk 
By ViKaLi is it possible to pay in Euro (€) direct to our €-bank account 
